Monday, June 23, 2008

City Attorney Silent on San Diego Cannabis Regulations

Hope Unlimited has asked the City Attorney's office to clarify the guidelines for cultivating and possessing medical cannabis in the City of San Diego. Patients are forced deal with San Diego law enforcement officials on a daily basis who have a variety of opinions on the current law regarding medical marijuana.
The City Attorney's office has the power to take a public stand for State Law.

Hope Unlimited members have contacted the City Attorney's office over 100 times requesting clarification on what the
current guidelines are for growing medical cannabis in the city of San Diego.
We have had no response from Mike Aguirre or his staff.
His office has been informed that there are over 80 Hope members who are legitimate medical cannabis patients who deserve an answer.
They know that many of our members have families need to know they are within the established limits for possession and cultivation of medical cannabis.

If more Hope Unlimited members contact the City Attorney we can make it harder to ignore us!

You can either write an email or give her a phone call. --below find a script to send by email or read to his office.


Office of the City Attorney
Civic Center Plaza
1200 Third Ave., #1620
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 236-6220
TDD/TTY: (619) 702-7198
Fax: (619) 236-7215


Mr Aguirre,

Hope Unlimited is a group of patients and caregivers using cannabis for relief of chronic medical
conditions. Our group is concerned with following established guidelines for medical marijuana use. We are seeking
clarification from the City’s Attorney’s office on current policy towards medical marijuana in the City.
Patients and law enforcement officials need clear guidelines for this program to be successful.
We are operating under guidelines established in September of 2003: Adult marijuana patients with the approval of a San
Diego County doctor may keep up to 1 pound of marijuana and grow up to 24 plants. Under the measure,
caregivers can keep up to 2 pounds of marijuana and grow up to 48 plants for as many as four patients. Are
these still acceptable guidelines?

The suit by the County of San Diego to avoid issuing medical marijuana ID cards has now moved to appellate
court. It is our view that this suit has a slim chance of being decided in the County’s favor. What action
can we expect on ID cards from the City/County after this ruling?

Thank you

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